What does progress mean?
One thing is certain: it means moving towards a certain goal. A goal can be either fleeting or permanent. Some people use the word progress in a broad, life-wide sense for themselves: What have I changed (what can I keep), what do I need to change and what kind of person do I want to become?
They link the past to the present and on this basis include the future in their plans. They do not focus on one point (the now), but on what they want to have in their inner being as a whole, what kind of attitude they want to have in order to get the best out of themselves at all times and in all situations (no ephemeral things).
The innermost part of every human being (i.e. the SELF) is “raw”, “unprocessed” from birth (which we often still feel as adults). Without a fixed standard, our inner self cannot be formed, so one of the most important questions is by what standard we want to form it. If I take the human being as a yardstick and not a higher spiritual being, then my inner self is inevitably formed differently. The so-called “divine” and “human laws” represent different value systems, it does matter which one we choose.
The Journey of Progress
The journey of progress always begins “at the bottom”, and it is often difficult to say whether we are at the beginning, middle or end of the journey (And is it even possible to get to the end or to the destination?). The journey of inner development cannot be separated from self-examination and self-knowledge. Fortunately, we have various tools at our disposal to work on ourselves. Without willpower, we dare not ask ourselves questions, face our fears and worries (or get feedback from others who see us better) or question our actions and thinking. Without wisdom, we will not get forward-looking answers (where am I in my development, where do I need to go, at what pace? ) and we run the risk of deceiving ourselves and not trusting ourselves to face the answers we get. Without humility we cannot face life (these three qualities were also present in Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi and Mother Teresa) or accept ourselves and continue on the path of life.
The human soul changes with time. We are not the same as we were twenty years ago, because our choices shape us (choices in terms of choice, but also in terms of thinking). Change can mean moving forward or turning back. If we don’t use the tools we have been given, we will move backwards or in the wrong direction. (This is like when some people say if I don’t do anything there will be no consequences for my actions or words. There will be a consequence and it will be through their passive attitude to which others will react). We either go forward or backward, but we never “stop”.
The inner “tree” – Personality Development
Our inner being is like an unworked piece of wood. Achieving inner harmony is not possible without “carving”: everything that prevents us from becoming a better person must (should) be carved away. And this often involves pain (and effort, sweat and toil, like a carpenter working on a piece of wood). But there is no healing or change without pain. Life itself is not static, never has been, just as we are not. Change is happening all around us and within us. You could say that the only constant in life is change.
Carving the inner “tree” requires strength, patience, time, but above all humility. To carve the “inner tree”, it is important to put the human ego in the background. Many people confuse this state with “humility” (I humble myself before you). A “humbled state” has nothing to do with humility. Without sufficient humility, which includes awareness of my weaknesses, our path will not be a path of enlightenment, but a path of self-deception for those who walk it. Their thoughts and behaviour will be inauthentic and this will inevitably be perceived by others (inauthentic action). They are blind while they think they can see. (more about it: Health Direct: Self-Talk)
Vigilance: Working with the Inner Self
Working with our inner self, at whatever level, requires self-knowledge: if we want to make progress in any area, it is essential to be bone-honest with ourselves, knowing that some questions and insights will hurt terribly.
Only those who have a strong sense of self, that is, who know that they possess all conceivable human qualities, are able to have an inner, “intimate” relationship with themselves and thus with others. Both in the good and the bad (admitting human fallibility means forgiving myself when I have made a mistake and moving on in life with sufficient humility to learn from my mistakes – and I cannot learn otherwise unless I see what I have to learn from).
Finding inner peace means becoming a smiling person and loving myself – because if I can do that, I will radiate that to others and get the same back from them. To love and appreciate myself. And that is only possible if I overcome my fears. When I admit them to myself and express them to myself and others. And I do that every day, because otherwise my insights get lost and I wither away inside.
In the morning I look in the mirror and ask myself, “Lisa, are you awake and ready for today?” Alert to notice and appreciate what is around me…. Alertness to be aware of myself, my feelings and thoughts (it is not always easy to be aware of feelings!) in a situation…. Vigilance to recognise when I am going to make a mistake (and not resist it or “change” the facts to my liking)…. Vigilance to be humble enough to accept when I make a mistake – and to want to learn from it…. and to move on… (because that also requires humility to get up) (more about it in my book: „Ich rede mit dir! „ Kapitel: Kurzschluss und bedachte Reaktionen, sowie Harte Jungs und vielfühlende Mädchen)
To be with myself, to be good with myself, every minute, every hour, in harmony – that is what progress encompasses and constitutes.
Our body, our life has limits. It is limited. That is why it is important how we use the time we have been given on this earth. We have only one inner self, myself, that I want to and will work on for the rest of my life. We have all the tools for this from birth: Intelligence (mind), (will) power and the ability to make decisions.
Let’s use these precious tools well – and let’s be vigilant 😊.
Lisa Guarcello
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